Need intro text here.
The V’ahavtah describes the ways that we show our love for God. It draws upon texts from the Torah, using the words of Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (starting with V’ahavtah) and Numbers 15:40-41 (starting with L’maan tizk’ru). The melody for the prayer is based on the musical system of chanting Torah.
Here is a Cantor Rosalie Will chanting V’ahavtah.
Here is the text of the V’ahavtah prayer:
Avot v'Imahot
The Avot v’Imahot prayer praises the God of our ancestors, hoping that we can merit the same loving, redemptive relationship with God that they had. Our Reform liturgy invokes the names of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah, including both our ancestral fathers and mothers in offering praise to God. The melody has come down through the ages, with slight variations from congregation to congregation.
Here is a sound file of Cantor Rosalie Will chanting Avot v’Imahot.
Here is the text of the Avot v’Imahot prayer:
The Gevurot prayer praises God’s might. We recognize God’s wonderous acts, including supporting the fallen, healing the sick, freeing the captive, and giving life to all. The melody has come down through the ages, with slight variations from congregation to congregation.
Here is a sound file of Cantor Rosalie Will chanting Gevurot.
Here is the text for the Gevurot prayer:
Chanukah Blessings
The candles are placed the Menorah from from right to left, and they are kindled from left to right. On Friday night, we light them before the Shabbat candles, and on Saturday night we light them after after havdalah.
Here is the text of the blessings: