If a death has recently occurred, or is imminent, please click here to let us know.
The Temple B’nai Shalom Bereavement Committee responds quickly, compassionately, and Jewishly to congregants’ needs when there is a family death. We reach out to our congregants and support our rabbis as they conduct shiva minyans, memorial services, and funerals. Outreach includes contacting congregants at the time of a death in the family, and then three months and one year after the death to offer support and assistance. Volunteers coordinate and serve at bereavement events, including shiva minyans held in congregants’ homes, and memorial, funeral, and grave site services. We usher at bereavement services, deliver and retrieve chairs for minyans, prepare and/or deliver meals, sit with bereaved family members at services, and help in any other way needed by congregants or our rabbis.
We are happy to add new volunteers to our group. If you would like to be on a list of available volunteers and be contacted by e-mail on as-needed basis, please click here click here. Members of the Bereavement Committee also develop information to educate the congregation on Jewish bereavement practices in general and those specific to Temple B’nai Shalom.
Temple B’nai Shalom has a number of resources available:
- What To Do When A Death Occurs: This brochure explains what congregants should do at the time of a family death as well as Temple B’nai Shalom’s customs and practices.
- Planning for a Death: Preplanning is a gift to your family.
- The Mitzvah of Minyan: Journey with one of our congregants as she attends her first TBS minyan.
- Shiva Minyan: Spiritual Sustenance Through Loving Community Support – Hear from congregants on the value of having had a minyan in their home after the death of a loved one
- What to Expect When You Go to a Minyan: The etiquette of attending a Temple B’nai Shalom minyan.
Capital Hospice provides services such as grief and bereavement counseling, a crisis intervention team (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), and an inpatient center (for those who need a little extra care).
If you are interested in volunteering with the Bereavement Committee, please e-mail us.