About Us
Temple B’nai Shalom (TBS) is a vibrant, caring, and progressive Reform congregation established in 1986 in the woods of Fairfax Station to serve the needs of a growing Jewish community in Northern Virginia. Our core values as a congregation are summarized in our Mission Statement:
To care for one another and the world around us
Embodied in our mission is our dedication to creating and maintaining a sense of community and to providing a variety of Jewish spiritual, social, and educational experiences for both adults and children. We emphasize social action, outreach, helping the needy, and Torah study for adults as well as children, and tikkun olam — making the world a better place for everyone. We are proud to be affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, the governing body of the 900 Reform Jewish congregations in North America.
Our congregation welcomes individuals and families from a variety of backgrounds. Young, old, single, partnered, married, divorced, and people with special needs have found a home with us. Our synagogue is a house of worship for all people, including Jewish members and their non-Jewish spouses and partners who share a commitment to Reform Judaism. Our teenagers are an especially close group that continues to learn and teach at the Temple until they graduate from high school and then many return for services when they are home for holidays.
What makes TBS special
Variety of Worship Experiences
(All services and times can be found on our calendar.)
- Friday evening Shabbat service, including a monthly Family Service and many special musical services
- Tot Shabbat, a monthly Friday night additional service for our youngest worshippers and their families
- Saturday morning “Minyan Makers,” an intimate worship service that includes breakfast and Torah study
- Saturday morning Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah services
- Several special Saturday night Havdallah services throughout the year
Adult Education and Social Organizations
- Lifelong learning throughout the year, including opportunities for beginning and conversational Hebrew, adult B’nai Mitzvahs, and special programs to learn about Judaism, its history, customs, and music.
- Active Retirees programs, often in coordination with the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV)
- Support for our members through affiliation and liaison with the Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA)
- An active TBS interfaith social organization
- Sisterhood and Brotherhood
- Social Action and Social Justice committees
Religious and Hebrew School and Youth Groups
- Sunday religious school for Pre-K through 12th Grade, including Bar/Bat Mitzvah class, and Confirmation and Post-Confirmation classes taught by our Senior Rabbi
- Midweek evening Hebrew School for 4th Grade through 7th Grade
- Youth Groups for 5th through 12th Grade members
In addition to worshipping and learning, we also hold many social programs throughout the year, giving our members and their families a chance to get to know each other better.
The TBS community reaches out to members in need of healing and comfort. Our Caring Community provides meals and transportation to members suffering from an illness or accident and our Bereavement Committee supports members grieving a loss by providing chairs and prayer books for shiva minyans and offering comfort.
And our members regularly engage in social action and the work of repairing the world in which we live because we have a responsibility to give back.
But really, why TBS?
To truly answer that question, you should speak with our members. Become familiar with us by further perusing this website, reading our monthly news bulletin, attending services (and socializing after services over challah, cookies, and fruit – known as the “oneg”), or by participating in one of our many events, some of which are specifically for individuals or families who are considering membership. We invite you to be a part of our Temple family. For information or a membership packet, please call us at (703) 764-2901 or contact us.