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Visiting TBS for the First Time?

If you are planning to visit Temple B’nai Shalom or attending services for the first time, you may find the following information helpful.

Can I get a tour of the synagogue?
If you would like a tour, please call the temple office at 703- 764-2901 to schedule an appointment.

Can I speak with one of the rabbis?
The senior rabbi is often available in the front of the sanctuary upon the conclusion of the service and joins congregants in the social hall at Oneg on Friday nights. This is a good time to introduce yourself and engage in a short conversation. If you are a member and would like to have a lengthier meeting, please call the temple office at 703- 764-2901 to schedule an appointment.

Is parking available?
Yes, the parking lot has ample spaces for Friday evening and Saturday morning services. If there is inclement weather, you can drop off passengers in the covered area outside the front door. Please note that the parking lot is one way so be sure to follow the directional signs when entering and exiting. At High Holy Day services, you may be directed to alternative parking areas by the volunteer parking attendants.

Do services start on time?
Absolutely! Our services start promptly. It is a good idea to plan to arrive five to ten minutes prior to the start of services to avoid rushing to find a seat in the sanctuary. If you arrive late, an usher may ask you to wait before taking your seat at an appropriate time in the service. Some Friday night services are preceded by musical meditation performed by one or more congregants. If this is the case, please enter the sanctuary quietly. Feel free to join the congregation for refreshments and socializing at the Oneg Shabbat in the social hall after the Friday night service.

What should I wear?
At Friday night worship service, most congregants dress in business casual attire. Some men choose to wear a coat and tie, but most just wear a shirt and sweater without a tie. Women wear slacks or skirts. Blue jeans are not considered appropriate. Attire for a Saturday morning Bar/Bat Mitzvah service is dressier. Most boys and men wear ties and jackets. Kippot and tallit are available at the rear of the sanctuary if you choose to wear them.

What can I expect to take place during the service?
When you enter the Temple on Friday nights you will be greeted at the front door. On entering the sanctuary, an usher will hand you a copy of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah. If you are attending a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, an usher will also give you a Torah Commentary. Prayers are often displayed on screens at the front of the sanctuary. Large-print prayer books and assisted listening devices are available upon request. During the service, the rabbi will let you know when to stand and when to sit. You should return your prayer book to the ushers at the end of the service.

If I have any questions, who can I ask?

Members of the board of directors are always present at Friday night services. You can find them in the lobbying welcoming people as they arrive, serving as ushers in the sanctuary, and participating in Oneg in the social hall. Each of the board members wears a name tag so you can easily identify them. At Saturday morning services, ushers at the rear of the sanctuary can answer your questions.

What should I do if I have a young child who needs to take a break from the service? 
Classroom #9 is equipped with a live video and audio feed of the service. An usher can direct you to this room. If you are in doubt as to whether or not your child is being disruptive to other congregants, it is usually best to take your child out of the sanctuary. Please be aware though, that noise in the hallway does carry into the sanctuary. Classroom 9 is your best bet. We ask that visitors with small children be especially aware of how noisy their children are so that the Bar/Bat Mitzvah teenager is not distracted while he/she is leading the service.

Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785