Mission, Vision and Values
Our Mission
To care for one another and the world around us.
Our Vision
TBS aspires to create a sense of belonging through transformative Reform Jewish living and learning.
Our Values
Temple B’nai Shalom, a Reform Jewish Congregation, embraces Judaism’s eternal values. Connected to community, guided by Torah, in partnership with God, we strive to be a congregation that lives these values:
Tikkun Olam (Repair The World)
We share a belief that it is our responsibility, in our relationship with God, to take care of both the physical world, as guardians of the Earth, and to safeguard the dignity and welfare of its inhabitants. We are committed to engaging in Social Justice and Social Action, recognizing each human being as created in God’s image (b’tzelem Elohim). We accept our responsibility for tzedakah (to help those in need) and to perform gemilut chasidim (acts of loving kindness), to seek justice, fairness, and equity for all.
Kavod (Respect)
We respect and honor our differences, and the opinions, the dignity and the Godliness of each individual. We commit to strive to understand and celebrate the diverse mix of background, race, creed, physical ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other aspects that combine to create each person.
Talmud Torah (Study of Torah)
We commit to the continual education of our members of all ages. We strive to help in forming pride in our Judaism and a strong sense of Jewish identity. We value the diverse strengths and gifts of our members. We adapt our teaching methods to meet each person’s unique abilities.
Kavanah (Intentional Spirituality)
We find positivity and celebrate the good and righteousness inspired by God and the teachings of Torah. Seeking inner holiness, we energize our souls through shared prayer, music, study, acts of goodness, and compassion.
Chesed (Caring)
We show kindness and mercy to our fellow beings, including the stranger among us, as we remember God’s love and rachamim (compassion) for God’s creatures.
Kehilah (Sacred Community)
We welcome and care for our members’ spiritual, physical, and social needs, embracing and respecting our diversity, and creating connections. We share our minhagim (customs), traditions, and love of Judaism and Torah, l’dor vador (from generation to eneration). Our communal circles of connection reach beyond our congregation and local community to include the Union for Reform Judaism, the People, Land, and State of Israel, and he worldwide Jewish community (klal yisrael).