When many people think about a temple Brotherhood, they picture a group of old men sitting around having meetings, and planning … maybe helping out around the synagogue … and planning some more. This is one of the many things that makes Temple B’nai Shalom’s Brotherhood so unique and exciting. Not only do we welcome adult men of all ages, but we also offer projects and activities for men of all ages and interests. In fact, like the proverbial three-legged stool, Temple B’nai Shalom’s Brotherhood is built on a strong, three-pillared foundation or service, friendship, and education.
The TBS Brotherhood offers numerous service projects both to the TBS community as well as the local Jewish community at large. Notably, TBS Brotherhood is actively involved with all of the important Jewish holidays, helping to ensure that the services and programs proceed seamlessly. For example, we:
- Sponsor and run the incredibly popular children’s Purim carnival.
- Provide apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah.
- Build the Sukkah for Sukkot.
The TBS Brotherhood also donates funds to the Jewish Chautauqua Society, is affiliated with the Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ) and runs the Sunday morning bagel bar during both sessions of Sunday school.
The TBS social calendar is filled with diverse and exciting activities, designed to foster strong bonds between its members. Whether it is a sporting event such as a Nationals or Capitals game, a casual summer barbecue, or gathering to watch football on a Sunday, the TBS Brotherhood prides itself on featuring social events for everyone, no matter what your temperament or interest. Of course, the best part is that if you do not find a social event that interests you on the calendar, then just let us know. The Brotherhood Board works closely with all of its members to ensure that everyone’s interests are represented when we plan the calendar for the year.
Here at TBS Brotherhood, we believe that though your schooling may be over, your education has only just begun, which is why we offer our members a wide variety of educational opportunities. These can range from tax advice seminars during tax season to the always welcome programs on men’s health and fitness issues, or even a discussion on the history of Jewish delis or seminars such as “Judaism and the Legal System – Perspectives from the Bench.”
Learn about upcoming Brotherhood events.
Frankly, whether it is a social gathering, an exciting educational opportunity, just meeting new people, or providing services to the local Jewish community, the most important part of the TBS Brotherhood is … brotherhood.
Join today!
If you would like more information about joining Brotherhood, have ideas about other Brotherhood programs, or would just like to speak to us, please stop by the bagel bar for a free cup of coffee or email Brotherhood leadership. Brotherhood's annual dues are $36. Checks can be made payable to “TBS Brotherhood” and can be sent to Temple B’nai Shalom. Please complete our membership form today.
It’s always the right time to join the Brotherhood. Support TBS and become involved in your Jewish community.
Thu, January 16 2025
16 Tevet 5785
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